Navigating academic and everyday life challenges in the US: the role of social media for international graduate studentsDan HeInformation and …
Learning designs that empower: navigating sandbox data science at the intersection of computing, big data and social mediaAmanda Barany, Andi …
Algorithmic counterspaces: exploring Afro-Latino youth information practices using TikTokRalph VaccaInformation and Learning Sciences, Vol. 125, No.…
Navigating the high school to university transition with social media: intensity of use, sense of belonging, and meaningful changeVanessa P. Dennen,…
Social media use among neurodivergent college students: benefits, harms and implications for educationAisel Akhmedova, Jennifer Sutcliffe, Christine…
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print. This paper describes research to consider how practices for local studies …
Digital transformation in Portuguese banking: impact of the COVID-19 pandemicAlexandra Fonseca, Luís Filipe Rodrigues, Bráulio AlturasThe Bottom …
Cryptocurrency’s emergence in North Cyprus: a mixed-methods exploration of attitudes and usage trends of an emerging payment methodLabaran Isiaku, …
Development of an integrated conceptual framework for the entrepreneurial intention and nascent entrepreneurial behaviorH.M.S.V. Silva, M.D. …