SLA ​Congress 2024

New Horizons?

Data, Libraries, and

September 18-20, Maribor (IZUM) and online environment

The congress is organized in cooperation with


Ljubljana City Library

supported by

Preliminary Program

Wednesday, September 18th
dr. Aleš Bošnjak, director of Institut informacijskih znanosti
Damjana Vovk, president of Slovenia Library Association
Marjan Gujtman, ​Ministry of Culture
dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, ​Minister of Digital Transformation
10.30-11.20 Plenary lecture by the recipient of the Čop Diploma: dr. Sabina Fras Popović: ​Reading Culture as the Foundation of Leadership Culture (invited lecture) (​the lecture will be in Slovenian)
11.20-12.00 Mikkel Christoffersen , EBLIDA: EBLIDA and the new European way of libraries (​the lecture will be in English)
12.00-12.20 BREAK
12.20-14.00 Workshop: Elisabet Rundqvist, Kungliga biblioteket/ National Library of Sweden: How to Make the Library a Sanctuary, Reading Embassy, and Safe Space for Romani Users   (​the workshop will be in English)
14.00-15.00 LUNCH
15.00-15.30 Mikkel Christoffersen, EBLIDA: The changing landscape of e-lending in Europe  ​(​the lecture will be in English) 
15.30-16.10 Elisabet Rundqvist,  Kungliga biblioteket/ National Library of Sweden: Bläddra - Free Access to e-Books in Swedish National Minority Languages ​(​the lecture will be in English) 
16.10-16.30 dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič , ODIPI, national coordinator for Knowledge Rights 21 : E-books in Europe. It is time to do better (the lecture will  be in Slovenian)
16.30-17.45 Round table: On a New Path: The Role of Libraries in the World of E-Content (e-books, audiobooks, video-on-demand) ;  attendees: Urša Likar Luzar, Ivan Marković, Janita Tacer Slana, Miro Tržan, Saša Vidmar; moderated by Aleš Klemen (the round table will be in Slovenian)
18.30 Guided tour of the exhibition Spekter. 70 Years of the UGM Collection (Maribor Art Gallery)

Registration Rates

IZUM one day two days full event
SLA member 120 € 200 € 270 €
SLA member (student, retiree) 80 € 140 € 200 €
early registration (until August 31)
190 € 330 € 430 €
non-member,  ​registrations after September 1 220 € 380 € 480 €
ONLINE one day two days full event
SLA member 50 € 50 € 50 €
non-member 90 € 90 € 90 €


Applications are closed.

For the possibility of a late application, please write to .


Day 1

Mikkel Christoffersen, EBLIDA: EBLIDA and the new European way of libraries (presentation ​in ​English)
Elisabet RundqvistKungliga biblioteket/ National Library of Sweden: How to Make the Library a Sanctuary, Reading Embassy, and Safe Space for Romani Users (presentation ​in ​English)
Mikkel Christoffersen, EBLIDA: The changing landscape of e-lending in Europe (presentation ​in ​English)
Elisabet RundqvistKungliga biblioteket/ National Library of Sweden: Bläddra - Free Access to e-Books in Swedish National Minority Languages (presentation ​in ​English)
dr. Maja Bogataj Jančič, ODIPI, nacionalni koordinator pri ​Knowledge Rights 21: E-knjige: problematika v EU in v Sloveniji (presentation in ​English)

Round table: On a New Path: The Role of Libraries in the World of E-Content

Day 2

Nikica GardijanUniversity of Zadar: Let's shape future together: Use of AI tools for librarians and library user education (presentation ​in ​English)
Jadranka Jezeršek Turnes, Kontekst svetovanje: ​The Role of the Library in the Concept of Science Communication (presentation in Slovenian)
dr. Borut Ošlaj, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy: ​​​​Ethics, morals, and ethical codes (presentation in Slovenian)
mag. Marijan Špoljar, Ljubljana City Library: ​Preparation of the Ethical Code for Slovenian Librarians​ (presentation  in Slovenian)
Ivan Kanič, Slovenian Library Association : ​Harbingers of Librarianship (presentation  in Slovenian)
dr. Tjaša Jug, dr. Katarina Švab, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies : ​​Unlocking opportunities for libraries with escape rooms ( presentation  in Slovenian)
Alice Motta Maia BodanzkyDelft University of Technology: TU Delft Library | Exploring the opportunity space for a Collection Wall (presentation ​in ​English)
Barbara (Varvara) Kountouzi, University of Pennsylvania: Charming the user who does not know where the library is: lessons from implementing unconventional services in an academic health sciences library
dr. Drahomira CuparUniversity of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences: Personal information management: what is our digital legacy (presentation ​in ​English)  

Day 3

Naja Kebe Metlika Primary Schooldr. Tanja Merčun University of Ljubljana, Faculty of  Arts, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies: ​How do Slovenian librarians read today? (presentation  in Slovenian)
Maja Drobne Association for Culture and Education PiNA: A Step into the World of Opportunities for Participation in European Projects – Opportunities for Libraries to Collaborate in European Projects (presentation  in Slovenian)
Špela Močilnikar CMEPIUS - Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes: ​Funding Opportunities for Projects under the Erasmus+ Programme, KA1 and KA2, in the Field of Adult Education (presentation  in Slovenian)

Round table: International Networking and Cooperation of Librarians
Round table: The Librarian of the Future: Evolution of Competencies in the Digital Age

The event is being prepared for you by the

program committee

mag. Dunja Legat (UKM), Romana Muhvič Šumandl (IZUM), mag. Miro Pušnik (UL CTK), dr. Simona Šinko (MKL), dr. Katarina Švab (UL FF), Tomaž Ulčakar (UL EF), Damjana Vovk 

organizing committee

Boštjan Batič, Polona Marinšek, Barbara Kavčič, Neža Podjavoršek, Saša Vidmar 
