Exploring the Metaverse as the next frontier for a living library experienceYunze Liu, Hasan TinmazLibrary Hi Tech News, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp.1-5
The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative platform, namely the Metaverse, to enhance and revolutionize the concept of living library experiences. The fourth industrial revolution has disseminated many innovative human experiences since the rapid development of modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, virtual/augmented realities, blockchain, cloud computing and so on. Various combinations of these technologies have triggered newer tools and platforms for human beings. One of these combinations, perhaps the most unique and holistic case, is the Metaverse, which promises to offer immersive experiences for users. Many stakeholders have been discussing alternative applications of Metaverse platforms, and many developers have attempted to optimize this new technology. Libraries, as the central hub of human intellectuality, will not be an exception to Metaverse integration.
The authors undertook a meticulous examination of an extensive array of scholarly works across various databases to construct a comprehensive literature review. This exhaustive exploration encompassed databases spanning disciplines such as education, psychology, sociology, economics, ICT and so on, and included renowned platforms like PubMed, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore, among others.
In this paper, the authors concentrate on an alternative form of libraries: “living libraries,” where people share their experiences, knowledge and wisdom with others like a living book. Moreover, the authors discuss how the Metaverse and living libraries intersect and create an alternative sharing platform. The paper presents several illustrative scenarios for diffusing living libraries into Metaverse platforms. Finally, the paper articulates the possible challenges that this intersection may present to the current condition.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the first papers combining two innovative concepts: Metaverse and living library and suggests alternative scenarios for real-life experiences.