Impact of big data on library services: prospect and challenges

Impact of big data on library services: prospect and challenges
Abid Hussain, Ramsha Shahid
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, pp.000-000

This paper aims to highlight the impact of big data on library services. This study highlights the required skills of librarians and the application of big data analytics.

An analysis of the literature was also used to identify the various applications implemented in library services across the globe.

This study’s findings reveal that the role of big data remained limited because of a lack of knowledge and skills. Big data’s significant challenges include inadequate technical support, untrained librarians and financial constraints to meet these requirements. This paper highlighted the challenges and remedial measures that can be taken while adopting this technology in library services.

This paper is significant for librarians, practitioners and stakeholders of the various organization who desire to implement this technology in their respective libraries.
