Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print. In this study, we investigated reader experiences on reading in VR. The study was conducted with undergraduate students (N = 40) who read a chapter of the Turkish novel. In the four different groups read the same chapter of the novel in different formats: print, digital, audio, and VR. In this context, firstly we measured cognitive activities using EEG device while participants were reading. Secondly, they answered the questions about the recall of the details of the chapter they read and reading experiences in VR. Result of the research, we found that reading in VR had significantly higher levels of engagement and stress cognitive activity. E-book and VR experiences can increase the accurate recall of details more than printed books. In addition, VR can increase the comfort of the book reading experience by providing a personalized reading environment through the VR content that enables users to select their virtual environment.