Onboarding for liaison librarians: building community and practice

Onboarding for liaison librarians: building community and practice
Karleigh Riesen
Reference Services Review, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp.409-419

This article describes an onboarding program created for liaison librarians at an academic library and details a replicable framework for effective implementation at other institutions.

This article outlines a month-long onboarding program that provides new-to-the-field and experienced librarians with support and structure as they learn the core competencies of liaison work, adjust to a new professional setting and grow in their practice as liaison librarians.

Information about onboarding practices across academic libraries, liaison librarianship within the library and information science (LIS) curriculum and the need for onboarding programs that provide a comprehensive overview of core liaison librarianship competencies is provided.

Onboarding programs specific to liaison librarians is an underexplored topic. This article emphasizes fostering community and skill development throughout the onboarding process to bolster confidence, engagement and retention.
