Refreshing the affinity space concept: evolving understandings of learning via social media platforms in an algorithmic age

Refreshing the affinity space concept: evolving understandings of learning via social media platforms in an algorithmic age
Anna R. Oliveri, Jeffrey Paul Carpenter
Information and Learning Sciences, Vol. 125, No. 9, pp.628-649

The purpose of this conceptual paper is to describe how the affinity space concept has been used to frame learning via social media, and call for and discuss a refresh of the affinity space concept to accommodate changes in social media platforms and algorithms.

Guided by a sociocultural perspective, this paper reviews and discusses some ways the affinity space concept has been used to frame studies across various contexts, its benefits and disadvantages and how it has already evolved. It then calls for and describes a refresh of the affinity space concept.

Although conceptualized 20 years ago, the affinity space concept remains relevant to understanding social media use for learning. However, a refresh is needed to accommodate how platforms have changed, algorithms’ evolving role in social media participation and how these technologies influence users’ interactions and experiences. This paper offers three perspectives to expand the affinity space concept’s usefulness in an increasingly platformized and algorithmically mediated world.

This paper underscores the importance of algorithmic literacy for learners and educators, as well as regulations and guidance for social media platforms.

This conceptual paper revisits and updates a widely utilized conceptual framing with consideration for how social media platform design and algorithms impact interactions and shape user experiences.
