Understanding the reader demographics of an emerging online reading platform, Webtoon

Understanding the reader demographics of an emerging online reading platform, Webtoon
Hyerim Cho, Denice Adkins, Alicia K. Long
Journal of Documentation, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, pp.-

The current study investigates the reader demographics, appeals and reading motivations of Webtoon, a born-digital emerging multimedia reading platform that is widely available via mobile applications. This study aims to contribute to existing reader studies by exploring a novel reading platform in order to create future recommendation services.

An online survey was distributed, targeting Webtoon readers 18 years old or older. Descriptive and exploratory statistical analyses based on 1,117 valid survey responses were conducted to better understand the readers of Webtoon.

Seventy-six percent of Webtoon readers fall into the 18–33 age range, indicating the medium’s popularity among young adult readers. Among 14 appeal elements identified, Webtoon-specific appeals include visual/artistic style, sound and interactivity, time commitment, user-friendliness, and cost and price. Frequently selected Webtoon reading motivations include relaxation, changing one’s emotional state, escapism and achieving new experiences. Lastly, a cluster analysis yielded six distinctive Webtoon reader profiles: Habitual readers, emotionally-responsive readers, occasional readers, convenience-seeking readers, socially aware readers and Webtoon expert readers.

The current study adopts a persona concept from user experience research to suggest a way to understand Webtoon readers and improve recommendation services, a unique approach in reader studies. It aims to understand Webtoon readers from readers’ advisory and media studies perspectives, bridging two areas.
