Valorization of intangible cultural heritage through documentation: an Indian scenario

Valorization of intangible cultural heritage through documentation: an Indian scenario
Gireesh Kumar T K
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp.10-14

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the progress of documentation efforts of the country, India in conserving and preserving its intangible cultural heritage (ICH) elements. This paper also provides few suggestive measures to improve the effectiveness of documentation process.

Available published literature and the initiatives of galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM), government, nongovernment and individual efforts on documentation of ICH have been consulted to analyze the strength and growth.

The use of information and digital technologies can effectively document and enable the communication of ICH values at global level. Community participation plays a pivotal role in conserving the living heritage for its long-term sustainability and to transmit it to future generations. Mutual recognition and respect for cultural diversity, harmony in intercultural relations and sustainable development are essential in safeguarding ICH. More research on preserving the languages, scripts, living heritage and oral traditions has to be carried out. A knowledge modeling framework for ICH has to be developed.

This study evaluated various efforts of the country (India) pertained to the documentation of ICH. Further, it has analyzed only the information available in the published literature and the various information portals developed for this purpose.

In this study, prime consideration is given to discuss about various efforts on the documentation of ICH, which are generally transferred orally through generations. The recommendation aspect highlighted in the results may be useful for policymakers to effectively safeguard and improve the viability of ICH. The paper will also contribute to a better understanding of the problems and challenges faced while documenting the ICH and offer few suggestions to valorize the ICH through its Documentation.

This study deepens the understanding of various documentation efforts of the country. The study will also help those who have been involved in the documentation of ICH to take proper measures to enhance its visibility.
